October 18, 2024

Explore the Wonders of Physics | General Knowledge Questions.

Physics GK Quiz For Students

Unveiling Physics: Explore General Knowledge Questions
Journey to the Stars: General Knowledge Questions of Physics

Question No. 1 – What is the speed of light?
Answer: 299,792,458 meters/second.

Question No. 2 – What is gravity?
Answer: Force pulling objects together.

Question No. 3 – Who formulated the theory of relativity?
Answer: Albert Einstein.

Question No. 4 – What is the smallest particle?
Answer: Quark.

Question No. 5 – What is Newton’s first law?
Answer: Law of inertia.

Question No. 6 – What is a black hole?
Answer: Region of spacetime.

Question No. 7 – What is a photon?
Answer: Particle of light.

Question No. 8 – What is the boiling point of water?
Answer: 100 degrees Celsius.

Question No. 9 – What is the freezing point of water?
Answer: 0 degrees Celsius.

Question No. 10 – What is a proton?
Answer: Positively charged particle.

Question No. 11 – What is the energy of motion?
Answer: Kinetic energy.

Question No. 12 – What is Ohm’s law?
Answer: V = IR.

Question No. 13 – What is the force of attraction between objects?
Answer: Gravity.

Question No. 14 – What is the SI unit of force?
Answer: Newton.

Question No. 15 – What is the formula for acceleration?
Answer: a = F/m.

Question No. 16 – What is a conductor?
Answer: Material allowing electricity flow.

Question No. 17 – What is a semiconductor?
Answer: Material with conductivity between insulator and conductor.

Question No. 18 – What is the formula for density?
Answer: Density = Mass/Volume.

Question No. 19 – What is nuclear fusion?
Answer: Combining atomic nuclei.

Question No. 20 – What is a magnetic field?
Answer: Area around magnet.

Question No. 21 – What is a chemical reaction?
Answer: Process rearranging atoms.

Question No. 22 – What is a circuit?
Answer: Path for electricity.

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Question No. 23 – What is the formula for power?
Answer: Power = Work/Time.

Question No. 24 – What is a pendulum?
Answer: Weight hanging from fixed point.

Question No. 25 – What is the law of conservation of energy?
Answer: Energy cannot be created or destroyed.

Question No. 26 – What is a scalar quantity?
Answer: Quantity with magnitude only.

Question No. 27 – What is a vector quantity?
Answer: Quantity with magnitude and direction.

Question No. 28 – What is the first law of thermodynamics?
Answer: Energy cannot be created or destroyed.

Question No. 29 – What is the formula for momentum?
Answer: Momentum = Mass × Velocity.

Question No. 30 – What is the second law of thermodynamics?
Answer: Entropy increases over time.

Question No. 31 – What is a lever?
Answer: Simple machine.

Question No. 32 – What is the formula for work?
Answer: Work = Force × Distance.

Question No. 33 – What is the formula for gravitational force?
Answer: F = G(m1*m2)/r^2.

Question No. 34 – What is a simple machine?
Answer: Mechanical device.

Question No. 35 – What is the formula for torque?
Answer: Torque = Force × Distance.

Question No. 36 – What is the unit of electric charge?
Answer: Coulomb.

Question No. 37 – What is a transformer?
Answer: Device changing voltage.

Question No. 38 – What is the unit of electric current?
Answer: Ampere.

Question No. 39 – What is a wave?
Answer: Disturbance traveling through medium.

Question No. 40 – What is the formula for frequency?
Answer: Frequency = 1/Period.

Question No. 41 – What is a telescope?
Answer: Instrument viewing distant objects.

Question No. 42 – What is a microscope?
Answer: Instrument magnifying small objects.

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Question No. 43 – What is the formula for electric power?
Answer: Power = Voltage × Current.

Question No. 44 – What is the formula for resistance?
Answer: Resistance = Voltage/Current.

Question No. 45 – What is the unit of resistance?
Answer: Ohm.

Question No. 46 – What is the unit of energy?
Answer: Joule.

Question No. 47 – What is the formula for pressure?
Answer: Pressure = Force/Area

Question No. 48 – What is a thermometer?
Answer: Device measuring temperature.

Question No. 49 – What is a barometer?
Answer: Device measuring atmospheric pressure.

Question No. 50 – What is a hygrometer?
Answer: Device measuring humidity.

Question No. 51 – What is a calorimeter?
Answer: Device measuring heat transfer.

Question No. 52 – What is the formula for heat transfer?
Answer: Q = mcΔT.

Question No. 53 – What is the unit of heat?
Answer: Joule.

Question No. 54 – What is a capacitor?
Answer: Device storing electrical energy.

Question No. 55 – What is a resistor?
Answer: Device resisting flow of electricity.

Question No. 56 – What is a diode?
Answer: Semiconductor allowing flow in one direction.

Question No. 57 – What is a transistor?
Answer: Semiconductor amplifying or switching electronic signals.

Question No. 58 – What is the law of universal gravitation?
Answer: Force between objects.

Question No. 59 – What is the formula for buoyant force?
Answer: Buoyant force = Weight of displaced fluid.

Question No. 60 – What is the Doppler effect?
Answer: Change in frequency or wavelength.

Question No. 61 – What is an echo?
Answer: Reflection of sound.

Question No. 62 – What is a sound wave?
Answer: Mechanical wave.

Question No. 63 – What is a seismic wave?
Answer: Earthquake wave.

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Physics GK Quiz
Elevate Your Understanding: General Knowledge Questions in Physics

Question No. 64 – What is a gamma ray?
Answer: Electromagnetic radiation.

Question No. 65 – What is a beta particle?
Answer: High-energy electron.

Question No. 66 – What is a alpha particle?
Answer: Helium nucleus.

Question No. 67 – What is a neutron?
Answer: Neutral subatomic particle.

Question No. 68 – What is a nucleus?
Answer: Center of atom.

Question No. 69 – What is a molecule?
Answer: Chemical compound.

Question No. 70 – What is a solenoid?
Answer: Coil of wire.

Question No. 71 – What is the formula for electric field?
Answer: Electric field = Force/Charge.

Question No. 72 – What is a telescope?
Answer: Instrument viewing distant objects.

Question No. 73 – What is a lever?
Answer: Simple machine.

Question No. 74 – What is a generator?
Answer: Device converting mechanical energy into electrical energy.

Question No. 75 – What is a motor?
Answer: Device converting electrical energy into mechanical energy.

Question No. 76 – What is a satellite?
Answer: Object orbiting planet.

Question No. 77 – What is a rocket?
Answer: Vehicle propelled by engine.

Question No. 78 – What is the formula for distance?
Answer: Distance = Speed × Time.

Question No. 79 – What is the formula for voltage?
Answer: Voltage = Current × Resistance.

Question No. 80 – What is a lens?
Answer: Optical device.

Question No. 81 – What is the formula for magnification?
Answer: Magnification = Image height/Object height.

Question No. 82 – What is a prism?
Answer: Optical device.

Question No. 83 – What is a refraction?
Answer: Bending of light.

Question No. 84 – What is a reflection?
Answer: Bouncing of light.

Question No. 85 – What is a mirage?
Answer: Optical illusion.

Question No. 86 – What is a rainbow?
Answer: Optical phenomenon.

Fascinating Physics Facts: General Knowledge Questions Edition

Question No. 87 – What is a laser?
Answer: Device emitting light.

Question No. 88 – What is a spectroscope?
Answer: Instrument analyzing light.

Question No. 89 – What is a thermometer?
Answer: Device measuring temperature.

Question No. 90 – What is a geiger counter?
Answer: Device detecting radiation.

Question No. 91 – What is a voltmeter?
Answer: Device measuring voltage.

Question No. 92 – What is an ammeter?
Answer: Device measuring current.

Question No. 93 – What is a wattmeter?
Answer: Device measuring power.

Question No. 94 – What is a radar?
Answer: Device detecting objects.

Question No. 95 – What is a sonar?
Answer: Device detecting underwater objects.

Question No. 96 – What is a superconductor?
Answer: Material with zero electrical resistance.

Question No. 97 – What is a nanotechnology?
Answer: Study of manipulating matter.

Question No. 98 – What is a cyclotron?
Answer: Particle accelerator.

Question No. 99 – What is a fission reactor?
Answer: Device producing nuclear energy.

Question No. 100 – What is a fusion reactor?
Answer: Device producing nuclear energy.

Fill In The Blanks Questions On Physics

Question No. 1 – The unit of electric current is __.
Answer: Ampere.

Question No. 2 – Newton’s second law states that force equals mass times __.
Answer: Acceleration.

Question No. 3 – The energy stored in a stretched spring is called __ energy.
Answer: Elastic.

Question No. 4 – The bending of light as it passes from one medium to another is called __.
Answer: Refraction.

Question No. 5 – A device used to measure electric potential difference is called a __.
Answer: Voltmeter.

Question No. 6 – Sound waves cannot travel through __.
Answer: Vacuum.

Question No. 7 – The force that opposes the motion of objects through air is called __.
Answer: Drag.

Question No. 8 – In a nuclear reaction, mass can be converted into __.
Answer: Energy.

Question No. 9 – The SI unit of force is the __.
Answer: Newton.

Question No. 10 – The __ of an object is the force exerted on it due to gravity.
Answer: Weight.

Question No. 11 – The bending of waves around obstacles is called __.
Answer: Diffraction.

Question No. 12 – The force of attraction or repulsion between electric charges is called __.
Answer: Electrostatic force.

Question No. 13 – The rate at which work is done or energy is transferred is called __.
Answer: Power.

Question No. 14 – The __ is the SI unit of energy.
Answer: Joule.

Question No. 15 – The resistance of an object to change in its state of motion is called __.
Answer: Inertia.

Question No. 16 – A device used to measure temperature is called a __.
Answer: Thermometer.

Question No. 17 – __ is the transfer of heat through a material by the collision of particles.
Answer: Conduction.

Test Your Limits: General Knowledge Questions on Physics

Question No. 18 – The bending of light around an obstacle is called __.
Answer: Diffraction.

Question No. 19 – The force that opposes the motion of objects through a fluid is called __.
Answer: Drag.

Question No. 20 – In a nuclear reaction, mass can be converted into __.
Answer: Energy.

Question No. 21 – The SI unit of force is the __.
Answer: Newton.

Question No. 22 – The __ of an object is the force exerted on it due to gravity.
Answer: Weight.

Question No. 23 – The bending of waves around obstacles is called __.
Answer: Diffraction.

Question No. 24 – The force of attraction or repulsion between electric charges is called __.
Answer: Electrostatic force.

Question No. 25 – The rate at which work is done or energy is transferred is called __.
Answer: Power.

Question No. 26 – The __ is the SI unit of energy.
Answer: Joule.

Question No. 27 – The resistance of an object to change in its state of motion is called __.
Answer: Inertia.

Question No. 28 – A device used to measure temperature is called a __.
Answer: Thermometer.

Question No. 29 – __ is the transfer of heat through a material by the collision of particles.
Answer: Conduction.

Question No. 30 – The bending of light around an obstacle is called __.
Answer: Diffraction.

Question No. 31 – The force that opposes the motion of objects through a fluid is called __.
Answer: Drag.

Question No. 32 – In a nuclear reaction, mass can be converted into __.
Answer: Energy.

Question No. 33 – The SI unit of force is the __.
Answer: Newton.

Question No. 34 – The __ of an object is the force exerted on it due to gravity.
Answer: Weight.

Engage Your Mind With General Knowledge Questions on Physics

Question No. 35 – The bending of waves around obstacles is called __.
Answer: Diffraction.

Question No. 36 – The force of attraction or repulsion between electric charges is called __.
Answer: Electrostatic force.

Question No. 37 – The rate at which work is done or energy is transferred is called __.
Answer: Power.

Question No. 38 – The __ is the SI unit of energy.
Answer: Joule.

Question No. 39 – The resistance of an object to change in its state of motion is called __.
Answer: Inertia.

Question No. 40 – A device used to measure temperature is called a __.
Answer: Thermometer.

Question No. 41 – __ is the transfer of heat through a material by the collision of particles.
Answer: Conduction.

Question No. 42 – The bending of light around an obstacle is called __.
Answer: Diffraction.

Question No. 43 – The force that opposes the motion of objects through a fluid is called __.
Answer: Drag.

Question No. 44 – In a nuclear reaction, mass can be converted into __.
Answer: Energy.

Question No. 45 – The SI unit of force is the __.
Answer: Newton.

Question No. 46 – The __ of an object is the force exerted on it due to gravity.
Answer: Weight.

Question No. 47 – The bending of waves around obstacles is called __.
Answer: Diffraction.

Question No. 48 – The force of attraction or repulsion between electric charges is called __.
Answer: Electrostatic force.

Question No. 49 – The rate at which work is done or energy is transferred is called __.
Answer: Power.

Question No. 50 – The __ is the SI unit of energy.
Answer: Joule.

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